25 December 2007

Day 2 Night

Just a way to turn your sunny day pictures, into a night time picture, complete with a moon.

1. Open your image, we used a landscape, where there are trees and houses.

image 1

2. Click Image > Adjust > Hue/Saturation - and give the following settings. (tick colourize box, hue 196, saturation 18, lightness -69)

image 2

3. Click Layer > new > Layer - and name it moon

4. Make a rather large selection, using the eliptical marquee tool, holding SHIFT after you started the selection to make it perfect

5. Press D to reset your colours

6. Now, Filter > Render > Clouds

7. Selection > deselect (CTRL + D) to deselect the selection

8. Now, Edit > Transform > free transform (CTRL +T) and make the moon smaller to your size you want.

image 3

9. Layer > Layer style > Blending options - and just below, right at the bottom... you will need to play with the bottom settings (underlaying layer) to seperate the triangle, hold ALT and drag them apart.

image 4

10. Next, Layer > New > Layer - and call it glow

11. Grab a brush.... around size 18, and with a light grey as your foreground colour, run your brush left to right a few times

12. Filter > Blur > guassian blur - to around... 14px

13. Now, lower the opacity on the layer to around 25-40%

Day 2 Night Tutorial: Final Result

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