15 December 2007

Create A New Earth

Description: With just a few short and easy techniques, i'll show you how to create your own new planet earth.

Start a new document 600x600. Set the foreground and background to Blue and White.

Then Go to Filter->Render->Clouds

Then go to Filter->Sketch->Note Paper.

Image Balance: 35
Graininess: 0
Relief: 25

You can play around with the image balance to get the shapes of your continents.

Use the circular marquee tool and make a round selection as big as you can on the image. Hold down shift while making the selection ensures you get a perfect circle.

Then go to Filter->Distort->Spherize

Amount: 100%

Then Edit->Copy

Then CTRL+N to create a new document.

The newly created document size should be left as is because photoshop will use the size of the copied image, else, just create a new document about 650x650.

Then in the new document, go to Edit->Paste to paste the image onto the new document.

You should now have a globe on white background.

Add a 1 pixel stroke to the image.

If you want to learn how to create stars, See below.

Description: Some people have asked how I made the stars background in some of the planets tutorials, so this tutorial, i'll show a simple way to create stars. Im not claiming this technique will create anything realistic, just something simple that looks like stars.

Start a new document whatever size you want

- Create a new layer and fill it with black.
- Then go to Filter->Noise->Add Noise.
Set: Amount: 20Distribution: Gaussian Monochromatic: Checked
Note: The more "Amount" you set, the more stars where will be

Duplicate this layer and set it to: Overlay.
Thats it.

A little bit of modification, I came up with this.
DOWNLOAD PSD FILE To see the extras I did.

Thats it.

Credit to

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